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Jeanette's Low Carb Chocolate and Lime Cheesecake

Ingredients for Torte:

75ml olive oil

25g good quality cocoa

65ml boiling water

1 teaspoon vanilla

75g almond flour or ground almonds (both options work)

1/4 teaspoon bicarb. – baking soda

A pinch of salt

1+1/2 eggs – beat the second egg with a whisk and measure off half.

75g fine xylitol – use a coffee grinder to make it fine.


Heat oven to 170c.

Prepare a 22cm loose bottomed springform pan by lining the base with baking paper. Spray the sides with cooking spray.

Combine the boiling water and cocoa and stir with a whisk to remove any lumps. Set aside to cool. Mix the dry ingredients together.

Beat the oil, eggs and xylitol until light and creamy. Add the vanilla and cocoa mixture and beat to combine. Lastly add the dry ingredients and mix. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake for 20-25 minutes or until done.

Allow to cool a little in the pan before releasing the springform. Turn the torte out onto a cooling rack…….

Immediately flip the cake over onto your serving plate…….

Wash the ring of the springform pan and line the sides with baking paper.  Place the ring around the cake directly onto the plate.  Place it in the fridge to chill. The ring will hold the cheesecake filling while it sets.

Ingredients for no-bake Lime Cheesecake Filling:

500g cream cheese (2 tubs) at room temperature

250ml cream

10-12 tablespoons fine xylitol – (150-180ml) taste for the correct balance between tartness and sweetness / use a coffee grinder to make the xylitol fine.

9 tablespoons lime juice – (135 ml)

2 teaspoons finely grated lime zest

1+1/2 teaspoons gelatine mixed with 5 teaspoons cold water.


Combine the gelatine with the cold water and allow to ‘sponge’.

Place the cream cheese and 150ml of xylitol in the bowl of an electric mixer. Beat to combine. Add the lime juice and beat.

In a separate bowl, beat the cream until it starts to firm. Heat the gelatine in the microwave for a few seconds until it has dissolved. Cool it down and add this to the cream. Continue beating until stiff peaks form. Add the cream into the cream cheese mixture. At this stage taste for the correct balance between sweet and sour. If necessary, add the rest of the xylitol. I used the whole amount of 180ml. Add the lime zest and stir through.

Remove the chocolate base from the fridge and Spoon the filling onto the torte base. Smooth with the back of a spoon and grate over some lime zest.  Place it back in the fridge to firm up.

Break the chocolate into chunks and melt it in the microwave on a medium heat. Drizzle the top of the cheesecake with chocolate before serving.

Recipe credit: Jeanette's Low Carb