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Sugar Free, Diabetic, Keto and Banting Peppermint Crisp Tart

Delight your taste buds with this exquisite tart. This indulgent treat is perfect for those seeking a sugar-free, banting or keto-friendly dessert option. Prepare to relish the harmonious blend of minty freshness, luscious chocolate, and creamy decadence!


 375ml Almond Flour

 30ml Xylitol

 60ml Salted Butter

 60ml Desiccated coconut


 80ml Salted Butter

 80ml Double Thick Cream

 30ml Xylitol


Caring Candies Milk with Mint Crunch Chocolate grated (easiest to grate after refrigeration)

 375ml Whipping Cream

 45g Caring Candies Toffee Mint Little Lovies (crushed)




Preheat your oven to 180°C. Thoroughly mix the dry base ingredients in a bowl. Melt the butter and mix into dry ingredients, making sure it is distributed evenly. Pat the resulting moist crumble into the base of a pie dish. Bake the crust for 8-10 minutes, or until slightly browned. Remove from the oven and set aside to cool.


Melt the butter in a small non-stick pan over medium low heat and let it cook until it is a light brown colour. Add the cream, xylitol to the butter and continue to whisk until it begins to feel sticky and the sauce has thickened. This should only take about 1 minute. Remove the pan from the heat and continue to stir until it has cooled slightly. Try to keep the caramel a little warm for mixing into the filling, but cool enough that it is still slightly sticky.


Refrigerate the chocolate to make sure it is hard, then break into small pieces. Place the mint bonbons in a ziplock bag and finely crush them with a rolling pin. Whip the cream until nearly stiff, and then fold in the caramel and 3/4 of the crushed sweets and chocolate (this works best if the caramel is still somewhat warm). Spread the whipped cream mixture over the coconut base and sprinkle over remaining crushed chocolate and sweets to serve.